Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tanning, Cooking, and my Sore Ass

Hello! So I woke up this morning with sore asscheeks. I think I have been jogging to much and my ass is getting tighter, it does feel quite firm. Anyhow, it sucked because I was running late for work so my ass felt tired on the bus and once I got off I had to practically jog to work! Ugh, when will I learn? Too much time fixing my damn hair. White people are crazy...

So I was in the break room today just sipping on some cola when this random girl started talking to me. Asking me how long I had worked there, what I did for fun, she eventually said "So like, where do you go tanning?" I told her I normally go to Planet Beach but I havent been there for a few weeks. Then she goes "Well your skin looks good." Uh, what? First of all let me just say this was either a pity comment or a comment because she likes me. Yes, I retain the sun pretty good so I am in no way pale but I am NOT by any means 'tan' right now... least I dont think so. Second of all, she says this to the guy with ACNE. I'll be honest I know my face isnt turrible but I've had a shady facial complexion since I was a young lad so it is nothing new to me. Anyway, I said thankyou, got my things together and got the hell out of there.

I dont feel like cooking tonight. I wish that my roommates would cook more, however, as much as I complain about having to make dinner it is like built into my system to feed the family. I want Dustin to cook, but if he goes to I say 'no let me do it'... I'm very specific about how meals are prepared! I also use some of my mom's old tricks and I like that because it always keeps her memory alive.

I'm bored. I think I will attempt cleaning our room tonight. Perhaps I will end up watching Project Runway. "Andre, what happened to Andre?" Ugh, dont start with me...

1 comment:

amy said...

nothing wrong with a tight ass! at least your butt cheeks are sore from working out... mine are sore from sitting on them all day long! keep writing, you help keep this smile on my face...